[ Name ]Glycerine Enema[ Approval Number ]国药准字H42020134[ Specification ]20ml[ Indications ]Constipation.
[ Approval Number ]国药准字H20083285[ Specification ]5ml:15mg(按C17H19F2N3O3计)[ Indications ]Apply to tympanitis, otitis externa and myringitis due to the sensitive bacteria.
[ Approval Number ]国药准字H42020131[ Specification ]0.1%[ Indications ]For inflammatory and allergic nasal congestion, acute and chronic rhinitis.
[ Name ]Tretinoin Cream[ Approval Number ]国药准字H20055512[ Specification ]15g:3.75mg[ Indications ]Acne vulgaris, in particular blackhead acne lesions, senile, sunlight or drug-induced skin atrophy, hyperkeratosis ichthyosis and a variety of unusual calm and excessive skin pigment and psoriasis.
[ Name ]Aciclovir Cream[ Approval Number ]国药准字H19993169[ Specification ]3%[ Indications ]Herpes simplex or herpes zoster infection.
[ Approval Number ]国药准字H42022315[ Specification ]10g[ Indications ]Eczema, contact dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, neurodermitis, tinea corporis, tinea cruris and tinea manus and pedis.